Wellcom e to fotoPaisaje, my personal web page.
If you arrived to this point because you viewed some of my photos
in other web site, probably you will find a lot of them here, as
well as many others not published yet.
It is possible that this page will grow in the future. It is possible
too that it will be improved, because now it is only a draft.
If you want to receive information about any improvement or modification
you can send a message to my distribution
list and I will send you an advertisement for each of them.
You can find my photos in other places of Internet, mainly in
photo.net, naturescapes.net,
In any case, I hope you enjoy your visit to my web page
06th September 2009
30th August 2009
View point of a simple onlooker of the decorated streets of the village of Aguaviva (Teruel).
08th june 2009
Summer season, insects age.