Sea Histories (V) |
Seascapes are one of my favourite photographic specialities, probably because they allow me visit a great amount of places, thanks to my dear Costa Brava, source of wonderful and amazing scenarios. |
Sea Histories (H) |
Fotos in the sea, all of this from my dear Costa Brava. I'm sure I never capture all his amazing beauty. You can find here a liltle collectio of this. . |
Trees |
The pattern of trees, finding a backlight illumination in the last or hours of the day, when de the magical light give this amazing feel. |
El Bergantes (H) |
For my The "Bergantes" river represent the food of my hearth, I have my roots inside it. In some sense I grown near it and today I can still smell their fragrance on my memories. |
El Bergantes (V) |
Ohter set of images of this wonderful river. I wish you can see as I want to remember. |
Abstractions |
The nature sometimes give you patterns, colors and lights that take your attention. That gallery contains a collectios of this kind of photos. |
Amapolas (V) |
Four years ago I began to take photos to this kind of flowers. From my memories, I recover a great field of poppies near of my village, when I was a kid. I remember a painters group that visit this field one spring: they like to paint too this kind of flowers. |
Amapolas (H) |
In this case a collection of horizontal photos of this wonderful kind of flower |
Flora |
One year ago I begun a exercise of take photos to the four seasons, and finally I decided to do it using the flora. |