My name is Camilo Margelí, and although in this web page you can find some of my photos, currently I'm not a professional photographer, and, on the other hand, it is not my goal. At this moment, the photography is only some thing that I like to do, a divertimento.
Curiously my first hobby was the computers, and later I needed to alternate my work with studies of Technical Informatics Engineer and later of Superior Engineer in this same field. I finished this formation with a postgraduate studies and finally with a Computer Engineering Master in the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya.
Today informatics is my “Modus Vivendi” and in these sense I consider myself as a privileged guy, because I can work doing that I like to do.
On the other hand, the photography was constituted my second passion, allowing me to go out of the city with a good pretext and allow also enjoy of unique and outstanding moments, living situations that somebody can't image.
Although I'm not a professional photographer, I sell some photos in the past. With this founds I can finance partially this expensive activity.
I published photos as postcards, book marks, etc. I began collaboration ways with some specialized magazines and some of my photos was used on leaflets, brochures, and posters.
My photography hobby began early using a great Yashica FX3. I buy it to my brother when he acquired his Nikon. With this first reflex camera I learned to play with the different parameters of the exposition, and using it, I immortalized all the relevant familiar events from the beginning of the 80s.
At the begin of the 90s I began to participate in some specialized photography websites .
This participation was my school and where I best improved my photography skills thanks to the influence of some great photographers as: Emilio Álbarez Pernia, Luis Francisco Llavorí Romanet, Isable Diez San Vicente, etc, etc.
In 2003 I bought my dream, a Canon EOS 20D, my first reflex digital camera. Thanks to it and to some great lens I think my work acquired some quality level.
Now I'm collaborating with some web sites: naturescapes, photosig, photo.net and I don't have a lot of goals for the future, only be happy .
f you want to contact me for anything, please use my email for it. I will be very glad of contact with you. |